There’s no training collar that works finest for each dog, as well as that’s what I’m getting at with this post.
Heck, there’s not even a collar that works finest for one pet dog in all situations!
Walking my pet dog downtown while bring a coffee as well as buying bags is method different than walking him in a peaceful nature preserve, for example.
So in this post, I’m describing what I like as well as don’t like about the three tools I’ve utilized while walking my weimaraner, Remy:
the gentle Leader
the prong collar and
the simple walk no-pull harness
Gentle Leader vs prong collar vs Easy walk harness
(Both tools are a bit huge on my pup in these pictures, however not for long!)
Which one is best?
In situation you haven’t figured it out, no tool is perfect.
Truth is, my puppy pulls no matter what as well as it’s a work in progress, always.
It’s about TRAINING, not discovering a “magical” tool. I utilize a training tool to assist me while I continue to work on training.
Limiting a dog’s pulling takes time. It’s truly about patience, training, consistency as well as discovering whatever tool assists you MANGAGE your pet dog while keeping everybody safe.
I can only tell you which collars are finest for my specific dogs.
So which collar is finest for Remy?
I really like the gentle Leader finest for the largest range of dogs (I’m a pet dog walker as well as rescue volunteer).
That being said, the gentle Leader is the worst of the three tools for Remy. For him, it’s a tie between the prong collar as well as the simple walk harness. I haven’t made a decision which is finest so I rotate between them depending upon what we’re doing. Vedi sotto.
The gentle Leader
I like the gentle Leader however it does not work well for my pet dog Remy.
The gentle Leader fits over the dog’s muzzle (similar to a horse). When the pet dog pulls, the collar is created to carefully pull the dog’s muzzle as well as head to the side.
The gentle Leader works so well for a great deal of dogs as well as it’s my top recommendation. I’ve utilized it on most likely 100 dogs by now.
However, it’s not so great for Remy.
Remy closes his mouth (avoids panting), puts his head low as well as to the side as well as pulls difficult against it the entire walk. This triggers the material to rub under his eyes, making the skin raw as well as his eyes bug out. It hurts him. as well as after a half-hour he’s almost having a warm stroke from not panting.
When we pass people, he paws at his muzzle desperately as well as stands on his hind legs triggering people to stop as well as other dogs to react.
It frustrates as well as embarrasses me, as well as Remy is likewise frustrated.
So, not a great fit.
I keep trying it hoping it will get better, however it’s normally quite frustrating.
The prong collar
A prong collar is a chain collar with flat “prongs” around it that put gentle pressure on the dog’s neck when he pulls. The prong collar is restricted in exactly how far it can tighten. (It’s a martingale collar.)
People truly tend to panic when I even mention the word prong collar, leaving my blog in a huff. (So, please don’t do that.)
So I have to ask, do people believe prong collars are “spiked” or sharp on the ends? since they’re FLAT.
I changed Remy to the prong collar when he was 5 months old, so we’ve been utilizing it on as well as off for about 8 months.
It’s like night as well as day.
He’s so much happier with it as well as he no longer “bucks” or paws at his face. I have the most manage over him than any type of other tool, as well as it’s crucial to have manage over a boisterous, teen weimaraner. He’s only going to get larger as well as stronger.
But the prong collar is not perfect.
Remy still pulls while using it, as well as I don’t like that there’s nearly constant pressure on his neck.
So that’s why I tried the simple walk harness …
Easy walk no-pull harness
The simple walk harness is a nylon harness that limits the impacts of a dog’s pulling since the leash clips to the breast as well as tightens the harness around the dog’s breast as well as shoulders when he pulls. It carefully pulls him to the side as well as makes pulling uncomfortable.
I gotten a large, so Remy’s was still a bit loose on him in these pictures, however not for long!
The simple walk harness seems to work quite well for Remy. I like that it takes all the pressure off his neck. (Although, it does rub his skin raw under his arms. Sigh.)
He still pULLS durante lo usi (ovviamente), tuttavia rende le nostre passeggiate molto più soddisfacenti e anche lui sembra più felice. La semplice cablaggio è molto più efficiente con Remy di quanto mi aspettassi. C’è un motivo per cui vedi così tante persone che li utilizzano. Lavorano!
Il mio problema principale con l’imbracatura è che consente ancora a Remy la flessibilità di saltare sulle persone. È in grado di presentarsi veramente alle persone mentre lo usa. Ad esempio, sembra aiutarlo a prendere aria! Hai mai visto qualcosa di simile? Ah!
Il collare del potto funziona molto meglio per controllarlo quando cerca di saltare.
Per questo motivo, tendo a utilizzare il collare del polo quando cammino entrambi i miei cani insieme da me perché mi fornisce molto più controllo. Sulle mie passeggiate più lunghe e escursioni con Remy da solo, tendo a utilizzare l’imbracatura.
Affrontavamolo, anche l’imbracatura mi fornisce la possibilità di “dare un’occhiata” all’allenamento pur mantenendo il mio cane da compagnia relativamente gestito fintanto che nessuna gente è in giro. Questo è qualcosa che tutti noi requisiti a volte, contribuendo alla popolarità di questa imbracatura.
Ecco il mio post approfondito su senza imbracature che potresti scoprire utile.
Allora qual è il verdetto?
Bene, ho utilizzato il leggero leader per il mio asso. Ha funzionato meglio per lui.
Per Remy, ruoto tra il collare del polo e il semplice imbracatura di camminata e il leader delicato. Funzionano tutti … un po ‘.
Non esiste uno strumento che funzioni più bello per ogni cane da compagnia in ogni situazione!
Uso tre strumenti ogni giorno tra i miei due cani.
Per le pause del vasino veloci, il collare Prong funziona più bello per Remy poiché posso tenerlo sotto gestire i cani al guinzaglio che camminano spesso sulla nostra strada. Posso impedirgli di saltare e vacillare.
Per passeggiate più lunghe per la comunità o escursioni, la semplice cabina di passeggiata è migliore poiché se Remy tirerà, gli prende la pressione del collo.
E per le passeggiate in cui prendo entrambi i cani da solo, mi piace avere Remy e il mio nuovo cucciolo che strappano entrambi con semplici imbracature di camminata. Mi aiuta a gestirli, tuttavia posso fare il checkout dall’allenamento formale del tallone.
È impegnativo litigare due cani grandi, raccogliere la cacca, portare le borse della cacca e manovrare attorno ad altri residenti.
È il peggio quando scelgo senza dubbio la cacca e qualcuno si abbassa con i suoi cani. “Possiamo dichiarare ciao!”
Um … ciao? No?
Tuttavia, ho bisogno di poter gestire i miei cani anche se altre persone sono idioti. Quindi, è qui che arrivano tutti questi strumenti.
Nessun collare è perfetto. Nessun cane da compagnia è perfetto. Non sono assolutamente perfetto!
Quale strumento utilizzi di più per camminare sul tuo cane?
Hai qualche tipo di commenti da aggiungere su qualsiasi tipo di collari?
Fammi capire nei commenti!
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